
Showing posts from May, 2017
More deaths; this time to those in the body of Christ on their way to a monastery. 29 Slaughtered Coptic Christians, Including Children, Were Asked to deny faith in Jesus. Their refusal meant death. We again pray that the perpetrators will turn from their wicked ways and embrace peace and the salvation of Jesus Christ. It is disappointing that this attack was not  covered by the American media  to the same degree as the equally horrible attack in England.
Our prayers go out to the victims and their families of the terror attack in Manchester, England on May 23. We pray for the victims  gods comfort and mercy and the perpetrators . We pray that the perpetrators will turn from their wicked ways and embrace peace.   A helpful books to read :  Answering Jihad and Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi.
5th station of the cross      Evangelist  Focht speaking on  Simon of Cyrene. His  life was interrupted when he was  stopped and forced  to carry the cross of Jesus .  God gives each person a cross in our lives that no one else can bear.  We are stopped by Jesus like Simon on the way to Calvary.  Jesus says in  Matthew 16:24- we bare the cross of his work in our life. With the help of the spirit we do our best to -Crucify the flesh and  walk in his will.       Simon was stopped on his way by the crucifixion.  George Muller speaking on proverbs- Many of us know the words of Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD.” When George Muller of Bristol meditated on that verse, he jotted “and stops” into the margin of his Bible. So he read the passage this way: “The steps and stops of a good man are ordered by the Lord.”.How we respond, like Simon or like Judas determines everything.      link to sermons  link to photos from http://w