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   Isolation and uncertainty about safety, finances and the future are on the minds of most people in the world today. This is especially true in those countries hardest hit by the pandemic. The problems are here and they are real.  Is there a word from the LORD GOD?  Psalm 40 verse 1 and 2 contain words written by King David but inspired by GOD's Holy Spirt. 1 I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. The king words written as a song says that problems and trouble had come and did not leave quickly. David had to WAIT but with a certain disposition. He had to have patience for GOD to do his work. Notice time passes while David waits crying out to GOD;  first GOD hears  him then as he continues to cry out GOD turns. GOD then lifts him and lastly places him in a safer more stable place. David's message when trouble comes  is to wait,

Theme: Jesus hears our prayers in times of trouble

Redeeming Grace Bible Study for July 3, 2020  Theme: Jesus hears our prayers in times of trouble Psalm 55: 1-23 : King David asked God to take action against those that had intentions to harm him he waited on God to deliver him  from those with evil intentions.  He continually prayed to God every day for  deliverance.  Daniel 6:1-28 : When his enemies manipulated the King to write a decree saying any one praying before contacting the King would  be thrown into a Den of Lions, Daniel continued to pray like he did three times a   day. God saved him and punished  his enemies by a powerful miracle.  1 Peter 5:6-9: Christians are to humble themselves in prayer and be watchful.   God will exalt us in due time if we continue to  remain in a prayerful state.  Keith K. Vann, Deacon Redeeming Grace Baptist Church 

End times?

  Many voices cry out that the Covird-19 virus, the racial and  social justice protest and at times rioting are signs of the end. They claim the book of Revelation is happening now and the seals or trumpets are sounding. My pastor in his study on the book of Revelation and the studies I have read by different authors would not agree. The book of Revelation to some already has taken place, to some it is allegorical and to most mainstream protestant it is a future event. An event taking place over a 7 years period of nightmarish judgment on EARTH. I suggest anyone interested do their own study on the topic. 2020 has been bad but compared to the plagues and destruction spoken of at the end of the AGE ; not the world IT continues.  It is a sign that no matter how powerful humanity is it can be stopped by forces that only GOD controls. In the end every person will need to stand before the creator.  JESUS said in the Gospel of Matthew 10: 28" Do not be afraid of those who kill the body


I received a sad call this week from a family friend .One of my grandmother's oldest friends went to be with The Lord. She went to sleep and never woke up .She was 99 a few months short of her 100th birthday.  As I spoke to the mutual friend, of both our families, I struggled to find some profound spiritual words.  C.S  Lewis wrote a whole book on the topic of grief and lost. Where were the powerful words and scriptures about eternity. The rousing speech on God's power and love in this moment. My own grief and humanness left me with few words. I spoke a few words of comfort and support but nothing else.    Death is a thief even when you are 99. In this pandemic this was not the first death of someone I have known. I like many have lost loved ones both family and friends. God spoke many times on death in the bible, but there are 2 main promises in scripture  First, everyone dies because sin is part of fallen humanity.  Second, Jesus offers hope for eternity and a future

Redeeming Grace Bible Study

Redeeming Grace Bible Study for June 19, 2020  Theme: JESUS came for everyone During his time on Earth Jesus showed his compassion to certain Gentiles since he was getting his disciples ready for their future ministry.  Here are three examples that showed Jesus message is for everybody The Cannanite Woman (Matthew 15: 21-28; Mark 7:24-28) Jesus tested the faith of this woman and showed his disciples they needed to hear the requests of all who desire to be healed.  The Centurion  (Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10) Jesus set his faith as an example for all to follow.  The disciples needed to rely on his word in the future to bring the message of salvation to everyone.  The Samaritian Woman (John 4:4:1-43) Jesus would go to places not visited to show his disciples that no place is out of reach where the gospel needed to be preached. After his crucifixion and resurrection he gave the GREAT COMMISSION which is still in effect for today all followers of Christ are to the best

Christian persecution

Christian persecution      Christians around the world are in the midst of persecution daily. We cannot help millions but we can help some or even one with our support and prayers.  One such person is highlighted here in this link. A brother  Cao  who needs prayer and help.

Redeeming Grace Bible Study notes

Redeeming Grace Bible Study for June 5, 2020  Theme: How should the Christian live during turbulent times?  Believers need to rely on God’s Word in order to live a victorious Christian  life.  It does not mean perfection but a constant yielding under the  direction of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God.   This is necessary to avoid and confront those who manipulate the Bible to promote false doctrine.  Galatians 3:1-18  The Apostle Paul gave us clear instructions to avoid following a false  doctrine that is solely based on works/human effort. He states that we are  under penalty of death if we continue to walk in this manner that takes for  granted Christ’s sacrifice for us.  Galatians 5:16-26  Paul lists the things that happens to us if we continue to allow our natural  desires to rule our lives that leads to frustration and eternal separation from  God or allow the Spirit full reign which will lead to freedom, peace, and  eternal fellowship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Synopsis a sermon

- God is holy, pure and perfect. He should be ashamed of having us as his children. Hebrew 11: 16 he not ashamed to call us his children, because of his love.   1 Peter 4: 16  We should then not be ashamed of calling him father, because of his love.  Evangelist Focht  link to sermons