
Showing posts from April, 2021

Enduring lemons.

       When trials and troubles inevitably come in life; we can be left feeling perplexed and frustrated. Feeling that life has found a way to hand us lemons. I say lemons not because we can take lightly many of the trials and tribulations that can be encountered in life. Lemons are a metaphor for the stinging sour bitterness that lifes tribulation can represent.  The old adage is to make lemonaide out of life's lemons. To do this we would need water and sugar to add to the lemons. Sometimes there is little in the way of sweetness to add or water to dilute a trial or tribulation. We are called by God to just ENDURE and keep running.  If you are at sea in a storm you have to endure, riding out the storm while doing all to stay afloat.  Hebrews 12:1-2 says " Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before u...


Sermon points 1. Sins are forgive. 2. Salvation is given. 3. Eternal life is granted.   Death is not the end all life. It is to be separated from the body We all will continue to exist!. We all are living in temporary housing.  Every Christian should think in terms of eternity. You are allowed to live to make the changes you need to make in your life.    The resurrection proves Jesus power over life and death.  It shows he is sinless and did not see corruption not even one bone was broken.  When it come to speaking and telling people about the resurrection do not argue.  Proclaim it and move on. We do not have to argue ; like if we do not win the arguement Jesus did not get up !!!! Proclaim the truth and the Holy Spirit watches over the WORD. We just spread the seed. There are types of chicken meals that you just put in the oven and forget it while it cooks. We set it and forget it, that is what we do;  Just proclaim and let God do the work...

Putting problems into a positive perspective

(Romans 8:28-39)      The Christian on earth will face problems during their time on earth. But by looking to Christ they can maintain a positive perspective if they continue to follow his commandments. Three things the believer need to consider: 1.There is a purpose for our problems (Romans 8:28)      God uses our trials for our own good to ultimately fulfill his purpose in our daily lives which is to be more like Jesus who did the Father’s will during his time on earth which led to the cross. 2. There is a process for our problems (Romans 8:29-30)      God knows everything there is about us, therefore he always knows what is best since he preordained those things beforehand. Therefore there is nothing we can hide from God, we can come to him in boldness in our time of need. 3.There is a promise concerning our problems (Romans 8:31-39)      God’s promise to never leave or forsake us in our problems is all the more confirmed si...