
Showing posts from January, 2022

Scripture References and links for 3 sermonettes

Scripture References and links for 3  sermonettes 1. Sermon:  Our Great Shepard  To show the Jewish people that he was different from the religious leaders  Jesus used the Shepard as an example to show that he was the only one sent by God to save the Nation of Israel but the whole world.  Three examples that prove  He is the Great Shepard: 1. Jesus knows you personally and will call his sheep to follow him (John 10:27-29) He will call you by you name (v.1-6)  2. He wants you to live abundantly (v.7-10)  Unlike Satan who wants to steal Jesus offers a new life that will be abundant not only in this life, but in the life to come. (John 14:1-6)  3. He is willing to give his life for you (v.11-18) Jesus gave his life so that many sheep will come into his flock where they will be loved and cared for. (John 6:35-40)  Our Great Shepard 2. Sermon: Making you...


 DO YOU LOVE JESUS?     Surfing Facebook I came across a post from a sister in Christ, one of my Facebook "friends", that had a picture, an artist representation, of Jesus Christ with his arms open. Under him was a question Do You Love Me? In the comments many people had put yes and liked the post. I was ready to hit like and post YES; when the Lord stopped me with a question, have you really considered the question? For most Christians our fist reflex is to say yes I love Jesus. Some would even add I love the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! They would then just move on the next page or post. The truth is that this question is very important. We should ask what does it mean to love Jesus before we say YES!       When many people say they love Jesus they mean they believe in him, Some as a great teacher , revolutionary and some as Savior. In our society we use the word love for many things. We may say we love pizza, a sports team, a movie, a book or a pers...