
Showing posts from September, 2021

Witnessing with cartoon track

  Witnessing with cartoon tracks     Jack Thomas Chick was Born on April 13th in the year 1924. He went home to be with Jesus October 23rd, 2016.*1 For decades Mr. Chick drew and created many religious tracks to proclaim the Gospel.He used his talents to share the word of God with millions. He is controversial for reason that will be explained. The one thing that can not be argued that he used his talent to try and spread the Gospel in his own way.  Below is just an except from one of his many tracks. Some believers finds his cartoon tracks to harsh, over the top and a few say some are unbiblical. Anyone who has read more than a few of Mr. Chick's tracks or mini comic books can admit ; they are definitely not what we would now call "politically correct."  If Mr Chick was still alive; He would surely have been canceled by many in both the secular word and the modern progressive church. His tracks cover multiple of topics but to the best of my knowledge most still point to

Christian song review - Almost Home

  Christian song review number 2 1. Artist -  MercyMe  -  Title -   Almost Home   1. inhale (exhale) Artist:  MercyMe   Company :  Fair Trade Services Release Date:  Apr 30, 2021   1*( ) 2.  Almost Home video:  Catagory: pop contemporary Christian song.   Question : is it biblical?  Every human will die and shed there bodies then they will face judgment(Hebrews 9:27). Those who are saved by the work and blood of Jesus Christ, that would include old testament saints, have a new body that will be like Jesus resurrection body. A body not running on blood but God's spirit power. The music video shows a person in a space suit going through life. Mourning and living as they run the race of LIFE.  I heard some evangelist say that the body we look at and live in every day is a space suit . It is a a vessel for our souls that we leave behind when we die. One day we will shed this vessel or &quo