Witnessing with cartoon track

 Witnessing with cartoon tracks

    Jack Thomas Chick was Born on April 13th in the year 1924. He went home to be with Jesus October 23rd, 2016.*1 For decades Mr. Chick drew and created many religious tracks to proclaim the Gospel.He used his talents to share the word of God with millions. He is controversial for reason that will be explained. The one thing that can not be argued that he used his talent to try and spread the Gospel in his own way.  Below is just an except from one of his many tracks. Some believers finds his cartoon tracks to harsh, over the top and a few say some are unbiblical. Anyone who has read more than a few of Mr. Chick's tracks or mini comic books can admit ; they are definitely not what we would now call "politically correct."  If Mr Chick was still alive; He would surely have been canceled by many in both the secular word and the modern progressive church. His tracks cover multiple of topics but to the best of my knowledge most still point to the need for THE Savior,Jesus Christ. 
     Do I agree with every thing said in all of his tracks, No but in the world of Christianity, claiming almost 2.5  billions plus members, disagreements exist. Some are complex and doctrinal and some simple as the types of clothing worn. So separations exist, to the extent that despite agreeing on what C.S Lewis called " Mere Christianity" the church has not been one complete body since the early 1000's. The majority still hold to the truth that Salvation is found in only one person, The SON of God the Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately many in the church have begun to abandon this fundamental TRUTH from John 14:6.*2   Most of Mr. Chick's tracks declare this TRUTH and are, in my humble opinion, a great witnessing tool. On some topics and issues, Like his King James only stance for example or those that are hyper anti-Catholic, I personally do not fully agree.

     Users should check the content of a track before using to them witness. This is true of any track used to witness! Especially to those who are not Christians. Leave it to your own judgement, and prayers, is witnessing to a Muslim with a Chick track that may offend profitable? ; or would a different method be what the Lord would want. Some people respond to Fire and Brimstone sermons about hell some DO NOT they need to know about GOD's love. A person raised in a abusive home needs to know God is love, they do not need a track saying that God is ready at any moment to call down fire.*3 Luke 9: 53- 56

   I do find common ground in the most importnat part of his message that Salvation is found in only one person The Lord Jesus Christ.  His tracks have been criticized as defining salvation to simply as essentially the sinners prayer BUT a track is not a going to lay out all Christian doctrines. almost all tracks are simple introductions to why you need a savior, who the savior(Jesus) and the need to accept Jesus the savior.  The local church would then do the job of educating and nurturing the newly " born again. " So check out the web page and the sample tracks to get an idea if his brand of witnessing is one you would use.  One track recommendation : THIS WAS YOUR LIFE is a great track.*4   Link below will take you to the company page to purchase tracks and even books to help share the gospel. 

by SS blog creator/moderator

Link to sources used:

2. John 14: 6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. New International Version

3. Luke 9: 53. but the people there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem. 54 When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them ?” 55 But Jesus turned and rebuked them. 56 Then he and his disciples went to another village. New International Version

part of a track of the THIS WAS YOUR LIFE:


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