Halloween The day is coming again. A day that is celebrated in secular society with more joy than most holidays maybe even more, for some , than Christmas. Christians disagree on whether to ignore this holiday, celebrate or fight against the " evil" it represents. Your reaction depends on personal experiences and beliefs. You may have turned to Jesus Christ as savoir and came out of the occult . or a religion that had this as a sacred day. Maybe you had family that practiced or still practices the worship of the occult; then this is a day that may represent the spirituality you have now left behind, to worship of Jesus Chris, In that case this is a day that represent something more than candy, parties and fun. To most Westerners it is a day to dress up , beg for candy , show of some creativity or have a party in countless different costumes. A Comic Con day for all with food and candy! Growing up we celebrated Halloween. As a kid we went to officia...