Redeeming Grace Bible Study notes

Redeeming Grace Bible Study for June 5, 2020 

Theme: How should the Christian live during turbulent times? 

Believers need to rely on God’s Word in order to live a victorious Christian 
life.  It does not mean perfection but a constant yielding under the 
direction of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God.  
This is necessary to avoid and confront those who manipulate the Bible to
promote false doctrine. 

Galatians 3:1-18 

The Apostle Paul gave us clear instructions to avoid following a false 
doctrine that is solely based on works/human effort. He states that we are 
under penalty of death if we continue to walk in this manner that takes for 
granted Christ’s sacrifice for us. 

Galatians 5:16-26 

Paul lists the things that happens to us if we continue to allow our natural 
desires to rule our lives that leads to frustration and eternal separation from 
God or allow the Spirit full reign which will lead to freedom, peace, and 
eternal fellowship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

By Deacon  K. Vann of Redeeming Grace Baptist Church


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