Redeeming Grace Bible Study

Redeeming Grace Bible Study for June 19, 2020 

Theme: JESUS came for everyone

During his time on Earth Jesus showed his compassion to certain Gentiles
since he was getting his disciples ready for their future ministry.  Here are
three examples that showed Jesus message is for everybody

The Cannanite Woman (Matthew 15: 21-28; Mark 7:24-28)
Jesus tested the faith of this woman and showed his disciples they
needed to hear the requests of all who desire to be healed. 

The Centurion  (Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10)
Jesus set his faith as an example for all to follow.  The disciples needed to
rely on his word in the future to bring the message of salvation to everyone. 

The Samaritian Woman (John 4:4:1-43)
Jesus would go to places not visited to show his disciples that no place is
out of reach where the gospel needed to be preached.

After his crucifixion and resurrection he gave the GREAT COMMISSION
which is still in effect for today all followers of Christ are to the best of their
ability should follow this command.
(Matthew 28:18-20)

Contributed by Keith K. Vann, Deacon Redeeming Grace Baptist Church Brooklyn, NY


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