End times?

  Many voices cry out that the Covird-19 virus, the racial and  social justice protest and at times rioting are signs of the end. They claim the book of Revelation is happening now and the seals or trumpets are sounding. My pastor in his study on the book of Revelation and the studies I have read by different authors would not agree. The book of Revelation to some already has taken place, to some it is allegorical and to most mainstream protestant it is a future event. An event taking place over a 7 years period of nightmarish judgment on EARTH. I suggest anyone interested do their own study on the topic. 2020 has been bad but compared to the plagues and destruction spoken of at the end of the AGE ; not the world IT continues.  It is a sign that no matter how powerful humanity is it can be stopped by forces that only GOD controls. In the end every person will need to stand before the creator.  JESUS said in the Gospel of Matthew 10: 28" Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, b e afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."  JESUS offers forgiveness and mercy to all who accept him as SAVIOR and LORD. Good books on the topic of The Book of Revelation are listed below.

Some books recommendations:

By Rev.Dr. Torrence Robinson Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church :

David Guzik :


Clarence Larkin:Book-Revelation

By Deacon Keith K. Vann of Redeeming Grace Baptist Church:

Revelation Visualized by Salem Kirban 

Journey Through Revelation by Tommy C Higle

My recommendation:

Hal Lindsey



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