Revelation 4:10:throwing our crowns

sermon synopsis :

 – Revelation 4:10. "the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne,--"  In heaven all true servant of the Lord will throw their crown at his feet. We may talk about one day throwing our crowns at God's feet in heaven.  We all have crowns now in our lives. A place where we are Kings and Queens of our life.   Are we throwing our crowns at his feet NOW?  Do we do his word and keep his commandments and give up our rulership. Do we hold on to our crowns; We hold on to our crowns when we do our will and not his. What is your crown?  Are you giving it to God to use or holding on to it instead.

Evangelist Focht


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