Theme: Jesus hears our prayers in times of trouble

Redeeming Grace Bible Study for July 3, 2020 

Theme: Jesus hears our prayers in times of trouble

Psalm 55: 1-23 :

King David asked God to take action against those that had intentions to harm him he waited on God to deliver him 

from those with evil intentions.  He continually prayed to God every day for deliverance. 

Daniel 6:1-28 :

When his enemies manipulated the King to write a decree saying any one praying before contacting the King would 

be thrown into a Den of Lions, Daniel continued to pray like he did three times a  day. God saved him and punished 

his enemies by a powerful miracle. 

1 Peter 5:6-9:

Christians are to humble themselves in prayer and be watchful.   God will exalt us in due time if we continue to 

remain in a prayerful state. 

Keith K. Vann, Deacon Redeeming Grace Baptist Church 


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