Isolation and uncertainty about safety, finances and the future are on the minds of most people in the world today. This is especially true in those countries hardest hit by the pandemic. The problems are here and they are real.  Is there a word from the LORD GOD?  Psalm 40 verse 1 and 2 contain words written by King David but inspired by GOD's Holy Spirt. 1 I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. The king words written as a song says that problems and trouble had come and did not leave quickly. David had to WAIT but with a certain disposition. He had to have patience for GOD to do his work. Notice time passes while David waits crying out to GOD;  first GOD hears  him then as he continues to cry out GOD turns. GOD then lifts him and lastly places him in a safer more stable place. David's message when trouble comes  is to wait, then cry out for help , GOD will hear his people then he lifts them out and last put them some place better.  As the time passes with seemly no end to this pandemic we are in the waiting part of the psalm . Waiting for the  God to lift, those crying out,  from the slime of isolation , uncertainty about safety, finances and the future.


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