Redeeming Grace Bible Study: Theme: Prayers works for all

Theme: Prayers works for all

Scripture Verse: Ephesians 6:18 

Prayer is an essential part of the Christian Life it gives us direct access to God in our time of need the Bible shows three examples of persons who found themselves in difficult situations and had no alternative but to pray for deliverance. 

Jacob: Genesis 32:9-12

He prayed that he would be able to reconcile with his brother after he took his birthright and blessing. God sent his angel to reassure Jacob and reminded that he needed to be totally dependent on him. 

King Hezekiah: 2 Kings 18:1-8; 17-22 

When confronted by a Hugh Army and taunted by the King of Assyria’s messengers, he went to the house of God and laid the letter he received before God and pleaded with him to save Judah. The nation was saved when the Lord sent an angel to smite over 100,000 men. 

The Apostle Peter: Acts 12:1-6; 7-9; 20-25

When King Herod began to persecute the church and Peter was thrown into prison the church pray everyday for his freedom. It was answer when the Lord sent his angel to free Peter from his chains.  He also sent his angel to punish Herod for blasphemy. 

Prayer is a powerful weapon the Christian must use to see the power of God at work. It acknowledges submission to his perfect will. 

Keith K. Vann, Deacon Redeeming Grace Baptist Church. July 10, 2020 


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