I’m Pressing Forward

I’m Pressing Forward  Philippians Chapter 3  7-14

Highlights :  Please watch the whole sermon for the full message!

Begin this year with the end in mind and you hope to accomplish. 

Press on do not quit 'praise god for power to persevere-  continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.

Press forward do not look back !

You may walk alone press forward!

You may be misunderstood press forward!

Despite failure press forward!

What you focus on  will determine how you stand. 

Focus on Jesus and  be faith fueled finished orientated have a goal and press forwrd.

God has a plan press forward.

God will give you an opportunity.

Forgetting what was behind keep pressing and reaching for the goal in Christ.  

Do not sit around and do nothing do something to press forward. 

God says "well done good and faithful servant" not good and successful servant. Be faithful to God's work in even you are not successful in this world.

By Rev. Dr. Torrence Robinson Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church 



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