Romans 5:1-21

Christ’s Death on the Cross not only kept us from an eternal separation but manifest
four things in our walk with the Lord.

1. We have peace with God

The war with our LORD is over we can now enter his holy presence due to Christ  being a substitute to face his wrath for our sin. Christ is now sitting at the right
hand of the Father advocating for us and defeating the accusations from Satan our adversary.

2. Every problem has a purpose.

Circumstances that come our are now seen as ways for us to grow in faith knowing Christ will never leave or forsake us. Knowing that it will lead us to be fully
perfected when we finally enter heaven.

3. We have reconciliation with God

The veil has been rent in two between God and men since Christ became the permanent sacrifice we are no longer his enemy but are now his friend. He has
replaced Adam who condemn us to sin and shame.

4. God’s grace is ever-abounding

Christ’s sacrifice has enabled God the Father to now provide the forgiveness he has longed planned since Adam made the decision to sin against God. We can now
boldly come the throne for help in time of need.

Scripture References:
John 14:1-6; Romans 3:23; Genesis 3:15; Matthew 12:30; 1 Samuel 17:37;
Revelation 20:15; Ephesians 4:24; 1 Corinthians 15:22; Psalm 119:105: Ephesians 2:7

Keith K. Vann, Deacon Redeeming Grace Baptist Church. February, 2021


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