When should LENT end.


The day before ASH Wednesday is celebrated by millions with a day of excess. In new "Orleans there is  Mardi Gras in other places they call it Carnival. Drinking , eating, parting and more carnal activities are the highlights. They highlight a day that proceeds the start of a holy period of self denial, fasting and spiritual reflection for millions. Another name for this day is fat tuesday .One can only wonder how many of those tens of millions actually follow the party withthe  spiritual preparation that begins with ASH Wednesday and ends 46 day later on Easter or Resurrection sunday. This period is celebrated by the majority of western Christians. Many call it LENT many do not but still recognize the period.  Sundays for many are nor included since that is the Sabbath day each week. this is how 46 days becomes 40.

        Eastern Orthodox faith begins the Lent period on different days some on  sunday and some monday, with the difference on whether they count Sundays, all continue for 40 days. This religious tradition also has there own form of Mardi Gras with parades and excess. The Jews had and continue to celebrate numerous feast days and celebrations. The point of those were and still are to remember God's past deliverance and actions. The day before what ever lent period that is celebrated should not be an excuse to violate God's laws then become spiritual for a few weeks. The call is to be like Jesus every day and repent when we fail. Repent is to ask forgiveness for failing, what is called SIN. The Bible says in  Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. In 1 Peter 1:15  but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct. The Lent period is a beautiful tradition, but God wants all Christians to proceed and follow it by less law breaking excess and more God inspired holiness. the spirt of " LENT" should be all year.

By Shoon S -  SS page creator 


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