
Showing posts from June, 2021

Our duty to God and Country (Part II)

Romans 13:6-7 In our attitude toward Government we have to be supportive even if we do not agree with the current leadership since our Lord is the author of government. We must understand that the leaders will be held accountable for their actions. These are a few things on how we can be a good citizen. A. Pay our Taxes (once we have met this obligation God will provide us the resources to give back to him as Jesus famously stated to the Religious Leaders) B. We should also Tithe (that is giving back to our Lord who provided everything to us.) C . We are to give those in authority due respect to their office therefore it’s important to pray continually for their well being since they are appointed to promote his justice. Leaders who enrich themselves and use their authority to oppress other will be removed by God in his due time. Scripture references: Matthew 10:3; Romans 12:17a  Malachi  3:7-18; Luke 20:20-25; Matthew 9:9-13 1 Peter 2:17; Matthew 5:13a; Daniel 3; Daniel 4; Da...


 TAKE UP YOUR CROSS    Take up your Cross; we may have heard sermons on this part of scripture.This is also a popular quote on all types of media :memes, posters, T-shirts, cups and etc.... Usually only part of the scripture "take up his cross daily and follow Me" , or just "take up your Cross" is quoted from Luke 9:22-24, Mark 8:34 or Matthew 10:38. The full text in Luke 9 says "22.The Son of Man must suffer many things,” He said. “He must be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and He must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” 23 Then Jesus said to all of them, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. 24. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. .    In Mathew and Luke Jesus is speaking to his disciples of his prophesied rejection,persecution death on the cross and resurrection. In fact, in the Gospel of Mark, Pete...

Fathers day

     Father's day is a day to celebrate earthly fathers . If you are blessed to have one you should show them your love. If they are no longer alive then honor them in some way. If your father is not someone to whom you wish to associate with; then just pray for them as the Word commands. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as savior and Lord then you have a heavenly father. Romans 8:15 says " For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba,[a] Father.”  That is the same term used by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, as he prayed in the last few hours, before the road to the CROSS.  Mark 14:36 tells us “And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.” Are all people God's children as the world and even some in the church say ? No Jesus says in John 8:44 to those who rejected him  "Ye are of...

Our duty of God and Country (Part I)

Christians are commanded by the Lord to be model citizens Jesus being the example of being a servant. Paul the Apostle, a Roman Citizen wrote to the believers on how are they to respond to a government that became hostile to their faith. 1. Be Submissive (Romans 13:1-5) A. Paul instructed that all the laws passed by government be obeyed since it is God who ordained the authorities to pass judgement on evildoers. B. In matters of faith, when the government tries to enforce a law that will violate our worship we must in good conscience obey the Lord first. C. Those in authority will be held accountable to God for their actions when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will return to rule and reign on the Earth. Scripture references: Romans 3:10; Mark 12:13-17; Daniel 2:21a-b; Daniel 4:17; Romans 13:2; Acts 5:29b;Romans 13:3a; Daniel 3; Isaiah 10:3b-c; Romans 13:3b; John 19:11; Daniel 5; Romans 13:4; Matthew 26:52; Romans 12:7a; Romans 13:5 Study reference :  Redeeming Grace Bible Study K...

Learning to love everyone (Part II)

Romans 12:14-21 In the second part of this lesson Jesus commands his followers to love difficult people. It’s not easy but with the help of our Lord we can do three things: I. Be complimentary We need to show kindness to those that may ridicule our faith, looking for opportunities to show non-believers we are concerned not only for their physical but spiritual needs. II. Be A Friend We should always have an attitude of showing friendship toward others even if they are hostile. Following Jesus example of befriending those regardless of their background is what the believer should emulate. III. Be Forgiving Just as Jesus forgave his enemies when he was dying on the Cross it’s important to learn to forgive others so that we will not only have peace with all men but it will allow us to show God’s everlasting love to those that need his free gift of salvation. Redeeming Grace Bible Study Keith K. Vann, Deacon Redeeming Grace Baptist Church.  June 4, 2021


  Living in this world it is impossible to not have enemies. No matter how nice or holy you are there are some people who will not like you and some that will hate you. We are always shocked by this when it happens. There are people that will hate you for the color of your skin , your sex, your national origin , your political view , your religion or just some personal reason. This eliminates the hope that we will have no enemies. Some even have an enemies list. Jesus our Lord had enemies despite living perfectly and loving perfectly. Some hated him just because he was Jewish. One such incident took place when Jesus and his followers were on the way to Jerusalem stopped in a village of the Samaritans. Luke 9:53- 56 says " 53.But they did not receive Him, because He was traveling toward Jerusalem. 54.When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” 55.But He turned and rebuked them, and said, ...

Learning to Love Everyone Part I (How to love believers)

Redeeming Grace Bible Study Romans 12:9-13:  "9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. 10 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; 11 not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; 12 rejoicing in hope, patient[a] in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; 13 distributing to the needs of the saints, given[b] to hospitality."  NKJV Jesus during his time on earth commanded his followers: To love one another (John 15:12-17) this command is important in that it will show if we are doing exactly as he said after he left this earth to be with the Father. There are four things we need to consider in showing our love to our brothers and sisters in Christ: 1. Be Authentic Love for the brethren must be real and not show any sign of hypocrisy. Judas betrayed our lord with a kiss (Luke 22:48) and he in actuality showed no love in his betrayal. We show our love in hating...


2 short sermon synopsis:      Evangelist Focht Jeremiah 1: 9   "Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth."  God touched Jeremiah mouth and put his word into his mouth. It is the job of parent’s and grandparents to put the Word of God into the minds and then the mouths of their children and grandchildren.  Can we as Christians say we speak the Words of the Lord or the words of the world and the flesh.  The mouth is not for gossip, profane words, blasphemy or hate. We all fail and sin but we must repent.         Evangelist Focht Jeremiah 17: 9 "  The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"  Heart is inclined to evil and sin because of the nature from ADAM.  if Christian parent’s give kids at an option; they will choose the world, flesh and the devil. You have to teach kids you can say Jesus is ...