Our duty to God and Country (Part II)

Romans 13:6-7

In our attitude toward Government we have to be supportive even if we do not agree with the current leadership since our Lord is the author of government. We must understand that the leaders will be held accountable for their actions.

These are a few things on how we can be a good citizen.

A. Pay our Taxes (once we have met this obligation God will provide us the resources to give back to him as Jesus famously stated to the Religious Leaders)

B. We should also Tithe (that is giving back to our Lord who provided everything to us.)

C. We are to give those in authority due respect to their office therefore it’s important to pray continually for their well being since they are appointed to promote his justice. Leaders who enrich themselves and use their authority to oppress other will be removed by God in his due time.

Scripture references: Matthew 10:3; Romans 12:17a Malachi 3:7-18; Luke 20:20-25; Matthew 9:9-13 1 Peter 2:17; Matthew 5:13a; Daniel 3; Daniel 4; Daniel 5; Daniel 6;

Redeeming Grace Bible Study

Keith KVann, Deacon Redeeming Grace Baptist Church.  June 18, 2021


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