Enjoying the rest of you life (Part I)

Romans 13: 8-10

Everyone is looking on how to enjoy life God has provided a way on how to fully enjoy life through his son Jesus Christ. In the first part of this series we are to do two things we need to do in order to have full enjoyment in our walk with God.

1. Pay Up (Romans 13:8)

Debt is a major cause to stress and results in our joy been taken away. Paul the apostle has informed believers to meet their obligations since it not only brings honor and glory to our Lord but prevents non-believers from mocking our faith. Ask God to be a good steward to what he has already provided to you for your daily needs.

2. Warm Up (Romans 13:8b-10)

Strife among brethren is a major cause of ruining our witness Paul writes that we are to show continual love toward believers since Jesus showed everlasting love to his disciples even when they abandoned him before his journey to the Cross. Forgiving each other and doing no harm will show others that no matter the differences we are unified as one body in Christ.

Scripture References: Psalm 37:21a; Romans 13:8b; Matthew 22:34-40;

John 14:15; John 13:34b; Matthew 22:39; Romans 13:10a; Matthew 22:37-38

Redeeming Grace Bible Study- 

Reference book used Living God's Way- Tommy C. Higle 

Keith K. Vann, Deacon Redeeming Grace Baptist Church.  June 25, 2021


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