7 types of baptism in Christianty

                                   7  types of baptism in Christianty

    Every major and most minor religion has a cleansing ritual .(a) Christians as part of the command given by Jesus Christ practice baptism as part of the new commitment each new believers makes to Jesus . It  represents the spiritual cleansing that comes through accepting Jesus as savoir and Lord.  As Jesus died and rose again after 3 days , The new believer "dies as they go into the "grave" and comes out a new creation in Christ. The word in the Greek, which is one of the original language of the Bible, is baptízō it can mean to "submerge"  or "dip under". (b)  Baptism is performed in most Protestant christian churches by full immersion in water :  lakes or pools .. Etc . In different Christians traditions water is sprinkled.

   My pastor taught a sunday school lesson which spoke on the 7 seven baptisms.(c). Rather than try an elaborate on here on the relation of the 7 types of baptism to Christianly; I have provided some articles. These articles provide a more expansive examination for further study.  (d) and (e)

Brief summary:

1.  Baptism of Moses- passing for Egypt bondage to freedom and salvation. 

2.  Baptism John - For Jews a sign of repentance 

3   Baptism Jesus- begining of Jesus ministry end of John the Baptist ministry.

4.  Baptism suffering - The baptism of the cross- 

5.  Baptism baptism fire - Final judgement 

6.  Baptism Holy Spirit- For all believers  

7.  Baptism in the name of Jesus. -  For all believers 

References- Links

a. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritual_purification

b. https://biblehub.com/greek/907.htm

c.  https://rumble.com/v23l1ck-john-the-baptist.html

d.  https://jewsforjesus.org/answers/baptism-pagan-or-jewish 

e. https://www.gotquestions.org/seven-baptisms.html

Lesson by - Rev. Dr.Torrence Robinson Pastor of Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church

lesson:  https://rumble.com/v23l1ck-john-the-baptist.html

Church page: https://www.facebook.com/gethsemane.baptistchurchbx

Summary notes here by SSligh blog creator/moderator


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