Dear loved ones

  Dear loved and valued one,  

   I writing this to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Jesus who I believe is the blessed Savoir and Son of God. I know that may not be what you believe and I respect that, Even though I personally may not agree. This is not going to be a long attempt at trying to prove or convince you of anything. There are many more places to explore the deity of Jesus,The historical nature of the bible and the many question that arise in relation to the bible. I hope not to offend but offer what many Christians, including me,view as a gift. The gift of forgiveness and salvation. This letter is my attempt to say in a simple terms  how to be forgiven and to make sure that you have you have joined the family of God. I will try and keep it short but will quote a few bible verses , Why do Christians quote the bible?  it is because we feel as 2 Timothy 3:16  says "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,"

   Why is it important to share this with you? It is because you will DIE. We all will DIE. Life can end at any time. Coming home one weekend from time spent out for a meal and entertainment with friends. I was hit with the stark reality of life.  As I neared home that night a large black and white van with large letters bearing a city emblem sat outside.  I was wondering what was happening; when out of the doors came three men with a stretcher . At first i assumed is was an ambulance but the person on the stretcher was hidden inside a black plastic bag. A body bag. I realized with sadness and shock that a neighbor had die and was being taken away . Death had come. 

  The Word of God tell us why we die in fact according to Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: " Amazingly most religions and many who say they are just " spiritual " agree. They know that existence does not end with death. most also agree that some type of judgement comes after death. The bible teaches that Death is not the end. Each person will live forever - I am writing this to tell you that one day you, Yes you! will meet God. The creator will call each person to stand in judgment

  Where will you be FOREVER my pastor asked in a recent service. In heaven or Hell. With God or separated from God. This is the most important question every person MUST answer. Be honest if you died right NOW would you be comfortable standing before an all powerful judge who knows all your failures, even your own failure to meet your own standard of purity.  Are you ready to answer God's questions in the spotlight alone.  The cost of failing is eternal and will never end. If your honest answer is NO then there is an answer. It is to have a person who can pay for your guilt and failures or what Christians call sin. Jesus Christ did just that with his life and death. God's word again promises in Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." 

  Those who accept Jesus as savoir, repent, confess and beleive he died and rose from the dead are covered and redeemed by Gods saving grace. That is the message not obscured with platitudes and politics. Just the message of God's love that allows his justice to be satisfied by the sacrifice of His Son and the savoir Jesus Christ . Justice paid and mercy granted. Jesus said this about himself in John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." Judgment day is coming so DO NOT PASS UP THE GIFT!

SSligh blog creator/moderator/


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