
Showing posts from July, 2020

Revelation 4:10:throwing our crowns

sermon synopsis :  – Revelation 4:10. "the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne,--"   In heaven all true servant of the Lord will throw their crown at his feet. We may talk about one day throwing our crowns at God's feet in heaven.  We all have crowns now in our lives. A place where we are Kings and Queens of our life.   Are we throwing our crowns at his feet NOW?  Do we do his word and keep his commandments and give up our rulership. Do we hold on to our crowns; We hold on to our crowns when we do our will and not his. What is your crown?  Are you giving it to God to use or holding on to it instead. Evangelist Focht


Sermon synopsis:     John 19: 30 - " When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." Jesus cried with a shout of victory not defeat IT is finished.   He did not say He was finished,   he is still working everyday in this fallen world. He did not say WE are finished because Christian are being sanctified to his image everyday.  All true Christians have some work that God wants done.  IT is the work of salvation, for those in the world who accept the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ,  that was finished. Evangelist Focht  link to sermons


“THERE'S A WAR GOING ON” Sermon synopsis: Ephesians 6 chapter 10-12      If you do not put your hands up  or try to stand on the sideline; you are still going to be hit anyway because we all are in a war. Christians are fighting spiritual wickedness in high places expressed in the world through: systemic racism,  social injustice,  economic and educational inequality .The spiritual enemies of God use political , social and economic systems to make policies to fight. They fight against God's people and God's will for all humanity. There are forces out there in the world and we going to have to fight. In order  to fight every Christian needs to put on the ARMOR of GOD. "Do not just act the part of a believer but BE a believer.  True Christian believers are the light of the world  and  the salt of the earth"  REV. Jesse bottoms: was paraphrased.   When things come your way in life; some things  have handles...

Theme: Jesus hears our prayers in times of trouble

Redeeming Grace Bible Study for July 3, 2020  Theme: Jesus hears our prayers in times of trouble Psalm 55: 1-23 : King David asked God to take action against those that had intentions to harm him he waited on God to deliver him  from those with evil intentions.  He continually prayed to God every day for  deliverance.  Daniel 6:1-28 : When his enemies manipulated the King to write a decree saying any one praying before contacting the King would  be thrown into a Den of Lions, Daniel continued to pray like he did three times a   day. God saved him and punished  his enemies by a powerful miracle.  1 Peter 5:6-9: Christians are to humble themselves in prayer and be watchful.   God will exalt us in due time if we continue to  remain in a prayerful state.  Keith K. Vann, Deacon Redeeming Grace Baptist Church 

End times?

  Many voices cry out that the Covird-19 virus, the racial and  social justice protest and at times rioting are signs of the end. They claim the book of Revelation is happening now and the seals or trumpets are sounding. My pastor in his study on the book of Revelation and the studies I have read by different authors would not agree. The book of Revelation to some already has taken place, to some it is allegorical and to most mainstream protestant it is a future event. An event taking place over a 7 years period of nightmarish judgment on EARTH. I suggest anyone interested do their own study on the topic. 2020 has been bad but compared to the plagues and destruction spoken of at the end of the AGE ; not the world IT continues.  It is a sign that no matter how powerful humanity is it can be stopped by forces that only GOD controls. In the end every person will need to stand before the creator.  JESUS said in the Gospel of Matthew 10: 28" Do not be afraid of those who ...